I am a channel of magic, and to claim this Truth has been a pilgrimage of the Soul

My path may not seem strange as you read these words living within the Aquarian Age, but as I was coming of age in the eighties and nineties, I always felt on the fringe of society. 


I struggled with inadequacy, feeling powerless and a sensation of being restricted by the cultural norm. To this day it is often challenging to contain my identity to a series of words, as I have always rebelled against labels and boxes, which speaks to my Aquarian South Node. I’ve been attuned to my multidimensional nature since I was a young child. 


I fell in love with interdisciplinary art in my undergraduate education, where I studied studio art, media criticism, Paleolithic and Neolithic Goddesses. I went to a college with no grades, no tests and no majors. Hampshire College bestowed upon me freedom, and the space to explore my unique identity, which I am incredibly grateful for.


I grew up as an only child in a dysfunctional family engulfed in narcissistic abuse. As my father was in the Air Force, we moved nearly every three years, and I found myself constantly adapting to new environments. I still struggle with the question, ‘Where are you from?’. 


I was born in Alexandria, Louisiana where I lived for seven days before my mother, aunt, grandmother and I drove to Montgomery, Alabama while pulling a U-Haul loaded with my recently departed great grandmother’s belongings. I lived there for roughly six months and then spent another six months in Sumter, South Carolina in the home of my father’s parents before we settled in Virginia for three years, only to move again to Georgia for another three years.


By the age of six I was living in Bitburg, Germany which had a significant impact on my personality and worldview. Living in Europe offered a variety of rare experiences like carrying lanterns through the village while eating warm pastries on Martinmas, experiencing field trips in castles, the admiration of the Spring bloom of tulips in Amsterdam and a summer passage through the Swiss Alps to Italy. We moved to a suburb of Tampa when I was nine and a half and I never felt more alien in my life. 


Around the Harmonic Convergence in 1988 my uncle was diagnosed with AIDS, which catapulted my mother’s awakening. As his death a couple of years later marked his entry to the Otherworld, he began undeniably communicating with us beyond the veil. 


My official initiation as a priestess of Isis began in my late teens and early twenties, however by thirteen I regularly utilized the pendulum and tarot, tended to crystals, studied astrology, practiced herbal medicine, and was reading channeled material like Marciniak’s Earth. I spent my weekends circled with adults in sweat lodges or gazing into the night sky calling upon the Pleadians to share their wisdom. These initiations inspired me to focus on another world as simultaneously my parents were going through a turbulent divorce that splintered the fragile foundation I had.


This gypsy like childhood instilled within me the abilities to be adaptable, highly observant and a willingness to push boundaries.  


In college I would spend time creating ceramic sculptures, building collage, painting with watercolors and oils, drawing with charcoal, binding books and even dipped into digital and performance art. My art embraced my personal connection with the Earth as the living Goddess, invoking the eternal relationship between woman and the Earth. My signature style became crafting installations that brought the viewer on a physical journey and often featured both fired and unfired clay with found materials from the natural world with an emphasis on feminine shapes and the body of woman. 


I moved from the Western Mass to Boston to receive a Post Baccalaureate Certificate from the Museum School of Fine Arts. Upon my acceptance to the MFA program at Claremont Graduate University I had every intention of becoming a practicing professional artist. 


However, the Mystery had Her way with me. 


I received a grant from the Museum School to travel to India to live and breathe the culture and the art. At the culmination of this two month solo pilgrimage at the age of twenty-five, I communed with the Parvathi Rocks of Om Beach gazing into the Arabian Sea and it dawned on me that I had been in institutional education since the age of three. Instantaneously something in my psyche needed to break free. I withdrew my acceptance and devoted nine months to go deep into yogic practice which then inspired me to become a certified yoga teacher. 


After my immersion at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, I packed up all of my belongings into a U-Haul and drove across the country to craft a new life in Los Angeles. My partner was in a graduate program and it was time for us to reunite. Living in LA was a string of blessings. I was exposed to a variety of cultures and went deep into the worlds of yoga, Judaism and childbirth. 


I learned from incredible mentors and had such unique experiences like opening and managing the lululemon athletica in Beverly Hills, driving my purple Vespa named Petunia along the Pacific Ocean, teaching chair yoga to seniors with Alzheimer’s disease and bearing witness to over twenty-five babies take their first breath, including my daughter who I pushed out onto our bed just a couple of blocks from I-10. 


The City of Angels instilled within me the confidence to break free from society's norms, and to step into my power. 


I began the first incarnation of my business at the age of 28, the conscious canopy, where I served as a DONA and Birthing from Within certified birth and postpartum doula, childbirth educator and a yoga instructor. My vision was to support women and their families during preconception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum because of my deep love for the feminine and belief that a woman in her power will shift the paradigm of our planet.


I retreated from working about half way through my pregnancy and took the time to truly walk my talk. Pregnancy became my living practice as each day I trekked five miles just as I had encouraged many of my clients, practiced yoga, chanted, meditated, drank homemade nourishing herbal infusions to commune with the plants and studied astrology in a private mentorship. 


The early years of motherhood were filled with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. This passage was a true dark night of the soul. 


I moved diagonally across the country from LA to a picturesque lake in Maine and lost my entire community overnight. I lost my identity. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition and I was told by various physicians there was no hope to heal. 


The Appalachian mountains beckoned me home where I modified my lifestyle. I recommitted to a daily practice. Yogic technology kept me grounded during these times, particularly the sacred sound science of mantra, breathwork and deep meditation. I felt the call to end my sabbatical when my daughter reached the age of four and was guided to share these teachings with my community teaching multiple weekly classes of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Gong Sound Healing. I worked with women, men, babies, children and elders to harness change and live happier, healthier lives through a yogic lifestyle. 


My passions for plant and stone medicine grew as my daughter grew, and this became her primary care during life’s ebbs and flows. The dream to birth my apothecary was made manifest with herbal syrups, infused vinegars, oils, tinctures, facial creams, Stone Medicine elixirs and mists.  


As I found teachers who inspired me, I also began to see the deep shadow that runs through spiritual communities and ultimately throughout the overculture. During the pandemic of 2020, the Kundalini Yoga lineage that had been an anchor for me for over twenty years collapsed and I stepped back from publicly teaching as I sorted through the stories of traumatic abuse and the origins of the teachings. Despite all of this, my love and appreciation of the practice has not waivered and I am finding ways to authentically integrate what resonates with me into my evolving body of offerings.

For me what stands the test of time is communion with the Elements. I love the natural world because both the dark and the light are not only welcomed, they are essential. My work is rooted in knitting what is most true for me; the human body as a living temple, the Ancestors, a deep love of Mother Earth, the rhythms of the Sun and Moon, the stars within the sky, the magnetism of the planets and the infinite Cosmos. This elemental attunement entwined with yogic teachings and Egyptian mysticism creates a multifaceted, yet simple practice, that each day allows me to manifest the life I love. 


Over the years I have been beyond blessed to study with some of the most influential healers, astrologers, wisdomkeepers and yoga teachers. I was first initiated into shamanism with Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall in 2008, and picked this thread back up in 2018 when I met Elder Malidoma Somé, Phd.

The same year I met Malidoma was when I began exploring the psychological depths with Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Beyond a Master of Arts from the Sophia Centre birthed by Nicholas Campion who was my dissertation advisor, I’ve learned astrology with Deborah Houlding, Nina Gryphon, DK Brainard and Demetra George.

My plant mentors are Aviva Romm, Susun Weed and Gail Faith Edwards. I received the art of teaching the technology of Kundalini Yoga under Harijiwan, Tej, Guru Jagat and Gurmukh. I am grateful for the years of study with Sarah Thomas of Upper Clarity, as they brought me into the field of Jeffrey Yeun.

I continue to immerse myself within the field of the 88th Generation Daoist Priest and Master Yuen as often as possible. However it is truly the Ancient Elementals, the Earth, the Ancestors, the Little People, the animals, the plants, the stones and my daughter who are my greatest teachers.


My path continues to evolve like the spiral, and I’m continually impacted by the spaces and places of the Earth that I am gifted to explore, harmonizing with the dragonlines in a living prayer of guiding others to fall in love with Earth by simultaneously awakening the powerpoints of our planet and the human body to elevate collective consciousness. 


A great dream was realized when I facilitated my first global pilgrimage to the Isle of Apples or Avalon, commonly known as Glastonbury. This first journey in 2017 has unfolded into annual pilgrimages to Avalon, the South of France and Kemet. Each pilgrimage has its own unique themes and frequencies and is like a realm within a realm. 


The journeys to Egypt have brought me into the most full version of who I am. As of writing this story, I’ve traveled to Kemet on eight pilgrimages, for at least three weeks at a time. I am so grateful for the presence of Elder Malidoma and the gift I had of divining with him for the first two years of my travels to this Ancient Future Land. I am knee deep in the process of writing a book about the transcendental transformation of these passages, as I believe this multidimensional story will be a catalyst for your empowerment.


We are in a revolutionary time of reclaiming our power from multiple time streams, and I have found truth and magic in guiding people to sacred sites across the Earth’s body. After many pilgrimages to these sacred portals, I’ve been guided by the Divine to allocate time to pause to heal and clear grief over humanity’s repeated hijacking.


Instead of attracting spiritual consumers, the prayer for this body of work is to empower leaders who are ready. 


We are living within a time of extreme chaos, upheaval and confusion. There is a consciousness that wishes to detract your original essence, to distort the truth, to slice and dice humanity into continual opposition like a hall of mirrors.


However, we seek to regenerate a new story. We are the crafters of this Ancient Future New Earth Cultural Renaissance, holding the timeless seeds of fertility, raising our frequencies, weaving our collective destiny into an age of Divine Love in harmony with the Cosmic Mind of Creation.


I am dedicated to holding spaces of grace and respect, while setting an example for others on how to honor sacred power, be fully integral and live with committed service to the Living Liquid Light of Creation.

In great service to the Divine Feminine, I love and honor the Divine Masculine and the Hierosgamos of the embodiment of Truth. 


Each offering through this expanding temple of devotion is like a pilgrimage, therefore it is a transformational journey, a touchstone, a space for deep psyche healing, and a metaphor that brings people into the Mystery so that they know how to better navigate the unknown within their own daily life.

Moving forward, I only desire to work with people who are interested in stepping deeper into their embodied leadership. If you have read this far, bless you! You are committed and I know that you are aligned to walk alongside these devotional offerings in a medicine way.

The precise placement of my Leo North Node demonstrates that I provide a specific kind of logical patterning of codes, essentially a set of details, offering me the unique ability to access your core frequency essence and relay that back to you with concise clarity. I have the ability to craft an electromagnetic field in which you are able to remember who you truly are. 

I invite you to only enter this field if you desire a lasting metamorphosis, as there is no going back. 

I will transform you into another dimension, a space where together we will divine your original blueprint. As you land back into your reality, your vessel will be forever regenerated.

Take my hand Beloved…


RaMa's Credentials and Certifications:

Formal Education

Bachelor of Arts, Hampshire College 2003

Post Baccalaureate Certificate, School of the Museum of Fine Arts 2005

Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology with Merit, The Sophia Centre 2022

Healing Arts, Childbirth and Consciousness

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master, 2002

Birth and Postpartum Doula Certifications, DONA, 2008

Birthing from Within Childbirth Mentor and Doula, 2009

Astrology Soul Mastery Program with DK Brainard, 2010-2011

Herbal Medicine 18 Month Course with Gail Faith Edwards, Blessed Maine Herb Farm School of Medicine, 2012

Herbal Medicine for Women, Aviva Romm, MD, 2012-present

Chinese Stone and Crystal Medicine Levels 1, 2, 3 with Sarah Thomas, Clarity Stone Medicine, 2015-2017

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Archetypal and Cross-Cultural Studies Institute, 2018-2019

Stone Medicine Teacher Training with Sarah Thomas, Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine, 2019

Practitioners Level Horary Astrology Course with Deborah Houlding, School of Traditional Astrology, 2023

Magical Elections Course with Nina Gryphon, School of Traditional Astrology, 2023

Shamanic Star Sound Healing Certification, Rakai’el Webb, 2024

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Level 2 Practitioner, as taught by Dolores Cannon, 2024


200 hours Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training, Kripalu School of Yoga 2006

60 hours The Khalsa Way Pregnancy Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with Gurmukh, Golden Bridge, 2008

15 hours Anusara Yoga Prenatal Teacher Training with Jessica Jennings, City Yoga, 2008 

220 hours Level One Instructor with Harijiwan and Tej, Kundalini Research Institute, 2015

60 hours Conscious Communication Teacher Training with Harijiwan and Tej, Kundalini Research Institute, 2015

60 hours Lifecycles and Lifestyles Teacher Training with Harijiwan and Tej, Kundalini Research Institute, 2016


7 Keys to Your Unique Daily Practice 


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