Grail Quest 

Your Personal Pilgrimage

Now is the time for you to know your story. Not just the story of your physical reality and identity, the story of your Soul, the story that speaks to your timelessness and multidimensionality. You are being called to pilgrim deep within, to meet your eternal essence and vast inner riches.


Beloved Keeper of the Grail...

- Are you ready to stop sacrificing your self care and true needs?

- Do you desire to dissolve perfectionism and procrastination tactics?

- Are you willing to let go of outdated programs and old paradigms? 

- Do you fear living an unfulfilled life by wasting what is most precious and holy?

- Do you feel like you are in a timeloop and your version of groundhog day is crazy making?

Take inspired action and bring your high values into form...

+ Unveil the unique creativity that lives within your Soul’s Blueprint

+ Behold the Grail Mysteries and bring this potent medicine forward

+ Architect the New Earth and Envision Your Dreams Aground

+ Enact the rhythms and rituals that claim your power as the Living Grail

Join Grail Quest

“I am so grateful for RaMa’s lifetime of study and practice, and her integration of potent experience as a student of life, teacher of truth, and masterful healer. She walks her journey with integrity, inviting woman to discover and trek their own sacred paths, sharing her tools and teachings, awakening and empowering the wise-one within us all! What a gift she is!”


“RaMa’s downloads are highly relevant right now to what I like to call, the Lady rEvolution.  I cannot recommend her enough, especially if you are in need of spiritual guidance and support.”


“RaMa: steady teacher, honest human, confident and inspiring warrior for the Earth and universal peace. RaMa speaks her words with reverence and purpose, always reminding her students of the need to keep up our practice in grace, reaching for the highest destiny imaginable. She is truly brilliant, a gift to the Earth. I am humbled and honored to be graced with her presence.”


“Working with RaMa has been beautifully transformative. She has been a catalyst in my rebirth and in reawakening my spiritual self. She emits gentleness and strength. She is magical, yet humble. She’s truly inclusive and empathic. Her energy and her medicine is pure. RaMa’s work comes from her heart - she is assisting in shifting the world’s perspective from fear to love. She truly holds safe, sacred space for all to participate in deep healing for themselves and their lineage. I feel infinite gratitude for RaMa and I feel so honored to have crossed paths with her. ”


“I feel so fortunate to have found RaMa. Over the course of 10 months, in each session, she gently but firmly guided me to explore, awaken, and heal parts of myself that were in various states of neglect. It has since opened up an enormous capacity in me to surrender more deeply into my healing journey and embrace stepping into my purpose. Words fall short of expressing how grateful I am for her wisdom and medicine in my life. Everyone needs a healer in their life and I couldn't recommend working with RaMa more. She will be essential to your inward journey. Grace be with you.”


“RaMa holds sacred space even virtually, and her interpretations of the influence of astrology on both global and personal events has been very helpful and confirmed the accuracy of my own reawakening intuition. She’s a great listener and offers valuable reflection that aids in decision making without ever saying “this is what you should do”. I know she’s really rooting for me, because she also gently calls me out when I’ve dropped the ball on some aspect of what I was working on in the last meeting. Because RaMa draws from many different traditions and is such a renaissance woman herself, the strange and erratic trajectory of my own becoming is understood and supported. Feeling seen is a gift in and of itself.”


What would your life look like with a cosmic high priestess anchoring and witnessing you on the daily for twelve transformative months?


The great cosmic wheels are aligning for the shift of the Ages. I write to you from my heart, as this personal pilgrimage Grail Quest has emerged from the Otherworld as a mythopoetic call to your greatest expansion, to restore your true authenticity in honor of the generations who have come before. 


2024 is a year of mythic mineral medicine, a year of timebending and resurrection known by many as the year of the Yang Wood Dragon, opening a twenty year cycle that is calling forth your sovereignty and power in ways that perhaps you’ve never even imagined. Moving forward, women’s leadership will be the guiding force, giving sight to the blind and voice to the voiceless.

"Now is the time for you to know your story. Not just the story of your physical reality and identity, the story of your Soul, the story that speaks to your timelessness and multidimensionality. You are being called to pilgrim deep within, to meet your eternal essence and vast inner riches."

The pilgrimages I have stewarded over the past eight years open a profound portal. Although I craft and curate each individual pilgrimage, they are ultimately a collaboration with the Otherworld. Because of this mutual reciprocity with Source, I am at the mercy of Divine Timing, which is a continual test of my trust and faith. However, each time I lean into these sensations I am rewarded with the unfurling of true magick. 

After leading nine global pilgrimages and witnessing over sixty women transform before my very eyes, I am incredibly humbled and awestruck. 

With a living prayer to bring women deeper into their own self-mastery and devotion, and in honor of the sacred portals that only open within a pilgrimage, I continue to ask God(dess) how these offerings may evolve to be of greatest service.  

From this space, Grail Quest has emerged. 

Grail Quest is your opportunity to experience your own personal pilgrimage in a reimagined way, that will bring everlasting results beyond your wildest imagination.


"Holy Wisdom raises frequency. Truth raises your vibration. Within Grail Quest, you have the blessed opportunity to work with your unique blueprint on a journey of alchemical transformation." 

I have nourished my connection to the Divine through the Ancient Future Feminine for decades, becoming a Cosmic High Priestess. Over time and space, I have come to know that everything I offer is a pilgrimage, a transformational journey, an opportunity to bring you into the unknown so that you realize how to best navigate the unknown in your own daily life. 


I am a master of pattern recognition. I have a wealth of knowledge and I know how to use it. I have a knack for finding the through lines, and can simultaneously elevate consciousness with new loving programs, while holding you accountable with a gentle fierceness.


I have the ability to help women transmute the grief, sorrows and struggles that is particularly to the feminine neurology, to pull you into another dimension and gather these sensations into a column of light where they may return to the Source.


Through my own personal initiations I carry a sacred key that unlocks gates and portals for the community that circles within the GOLDEN GATE ESOTERAKA. This path consistently leads one to their own inner authority and accomplishments. 


In your Grail Quest you will lean upon my expertise of over thirty years of astrological study including a Master of Arts in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, and over sixteen years of holding professional transformative spaces which include assisting disabled individuals, countless hours supporting birthing women, tending to newborns and their families, and facilitating multidimensional global pilgrimages to sacred sites upon the Magdalene Trail.


You are guided to only enter this field if you desire true metamorphosis, as you will not be able to go backwards. I will walk by your side with dedicated devotion in this sacred container. The Grail Quest is a VIP offering only those who are ready to enter into the cauldron of transformation in a long term commitment to achieve lasting results.

RaMa has helped me open doors to my inner psyche that I never knew existed while also giving me the tools to continue living my truth daily. I HIGHLY recommend RaMa to assist you on your personal transformation!


“Magic by way of the stones, the plants, sacred water. . .In astrological shifts as these we need to remember ourselves. We must ground and connect and transcend the emotions and energetic blocks and patterns that are arising and holding us back. RaMa channels divine love of both Avalon and the Magdalene in these alchemical offerings.”


“I have experienced multiple astrology readings with RaMa, attended her kundalini classes at West Asheville Yoga, traveled to Egypt with her for spiritual pilgrimage, taken her courses EarthSeed and Skywalkers, and have been in her online community for years. The dialogue she creates and reflection she offers through astrology has propelled me to more deeply know and commit to my work in this world. She is a wise, powerful, and divine healer committed to finding light in the darkness.”


“RaMa is a teacher and healer offering an incredible array of healing modalities - yoga classes, stone medicine, astrology readings, women’s circles and world wide retreats. She demonstrates a deep commitment to her practice and to seeing that others reach their fullest potential. Our community is very lucky to have her and I am truly grateful to have her as a teacher and spiritual mentor.”


“Even though I had already had experiences with RaMa on two of her pilgrimages, and her new moon circles, I found once again her incredible knowledge in astrology was spot on! I feel even more clear about the blueprint of my life and my personal soul work.  I continue to mentor with her, learning how to play the gong and hold sacred spaces for other women.”


RaMa creates a truly sacred space and leaves me with so much guidance every time we meet! She is so good at articulating charts and explaining what she sees in a comprehensible way— especially for someone like me who doesn’t have the highest level of astrology knowledge. I’m in awe of the ability RaMa has to connect with others, it’s a true gift. I cherish each session to the highest degree and cannot recommend her enough.


6 Month Grail Quest

6 Monthly Installments of $1311

Your Personal Pilgrimage

  • Take inspired action and bring your high values into form
  • Unveil the unique creativity that lives within your Soul’s Blueprint
  • Behold the Grail Mysteries and bring this potent medicine forward
  • Architect the New Earth and Envision Your Dreams Aground
  • Enact the rhythms and rituals that claim your power as the Living Grail
Restore Your Blueprint

One Year Grail Quest

PIF 12 Month Grail Quest $15,000

Your Personal Pilgrimage

  • Take inspired action and bring your high values into form
  • Unveil the unique creativity that lives within your Soul’s Blueprint
  • Behold the Grail Mysteries and bring this potent medicine forward
  • Architect the New Earth and Envision Your Dreams Aground
  • Enact the rhythms and rituals that claim your power as the Living Grail
Restore Your Blueprint

One Year Grail Quest

12 Monthly Installments of $1275

Your Personal Pilgrimage

  • Take inspired action and bring your high values into form
  • Unveil the unique creativity that lives within your Soul’s Blueprint
  • Behold the Grail Mysteries and bring this potent medicine forward
  • Architect the New Earth and Envision Your Dreams Aground
  • Enact the rhythms and rituals that claim your power as the Living Grail
Restore Your Blueprint

Grail Quest is for you if. . .

  • You are claiming more stability, personal authority and spiritual maturity  in your life. 
  • You are a person of principle, of high values who is willing to make sacrifices for the lineage of the Living Grail Mysteries.
  • You’re on the precipice of a major shift. You feel it in your bones that you are about to give birth to something big. Yet, you know that something has to die first and you are slightly terrified of this process.
  • You desire deep work, and you know that this entails diving into your psyche and reprogramming your consciousness with applied action. 
  • You desire to experience Initiation, to connect with the frequencies of the Earth’s sacred sites and portals. 
  • You wish to explore ancestral healing, astrology, archetypes, breathwork, crystals, elemental kundalini technology, Egyptian mysticism, energy body awareness, herbal allies, the Magdalene, meditation, sound healing, the Akasha all with an prayer to activate the Living Grail from Within.
  • You are called to experience Hierosgamos, and naturally weave this frequency into your daily reality.

Grail Quest is NOT for you if. . 

  • You are easily triggered and offended.
  • You are a spiritual consumer.
  • You are comfortable looping through the victim oppressor identity. 
  • You want full control over everything. 
  • You are not willing to trust RaMa’s experimental and process based way of desiring to collaborate. 
  • You are good with staying stuck and living a lackluster life. 
  • You fear your psyche, the shadow and what is hidden and are unwilling to face your fears.
  • You are unwilling to push yourself and stretch beyond your patterns and habits. 
  • You aren’t willing to commit to taking action and accountability for your life. 

How the Grail Quest works:

  1. You choose the duration of your personal pilgrimage with the option of a 6 or 12 month commitment.
  2. Upon your investment, you are guided to fill out an Application of Intention. 
  3. Within 48 hours of receipt of your Application of Intention (please keep weekends and holidays in mind) you will receive an email from yours truly to welcome you upon the path of your Grail Quest. However, if for some reason this program is not the best fit for you at this time, you will receive notice of this and an immediate refund. 
  4. The next steps include scheduling your Grail Quest Welcome Council, where we will create a vision for your personal pilgrimage. You will be allotted a regular day and time of the week for your Grail Quest Channel of Magick Councils monthly sessions, and will be given access to The Chalice and your private telegram thread with RaMa. This council will be a time for you to bring any and all questions. 
  5. After the Welcome Council you will begin the Channel of Magick Councils, which are intuitively guided 1:1 sessions with RaMa offering the components of divination, healing and cosmic mentorship. You can scroll down for a full write up of these components. Each woman’s Grail Quest will be as unique as she is.
  6. As process arise in between the Channel of Magick Councils you will be able to stay in touch with RaMa through Priestess In Your Pocket, ie. your private telegram thread and the community container of The Chalice. 
  7. As your pilgrimage comes to a close, you will complete the journey with the Grail Quest Integration and Closing Council, which will offer you a unique outline of how you may best stay in the flow of the Living Grail Mysteries within your daily rhythms and rituals.



“I highly recommend working with this cosmic priestess! Her energy is so grounded and soothing yet cosmic and celestial. She has deep knowledge of many ancient systems and will lead you right into the realm of your soul to download vital information for your evolution. I felt the planets with us during our time together and left with a remembrance of my place in the great whole.”


“Egypt is the birthplace of magic, the place to die a thousand deaths, and RaMa was there to hold us through them all. She was born to do this work, and her presence on pilgrimage is impeccable.”


“I enjoyed my sessions with RaMa so much. I appreciate her organization, information she offered that I haven't encountered before with other practitioners of the same modalities, communication style, and relational abilities. I highly recommend her services for those seeking connection into the vast mystery with a highly palatable and digestible approach. It's been a wonderful support to have something to orient toward in navigating feeling held and supported by something grater during such a pivotal and deep time in human history.”


“RaMa is insightful, deeply spiritual and a heart of gold. Her sensitivity and ability to tune into nuances was amazing for myself and my daughter. She’s truly of this art in a deep sense. Highly recommend her!!”


“I have been attending RaMa's Kundalini classes, workshops and gatherings for many years, and have had several astrological readings with her. Her wise teachings have been my guidance and at times my best support to survive these waves of experience called life. Her astrological readings are not only spot-on, intuitive and deep, but also reveal her deep love and commitment to the topic of astrology. Her depth of knowledge of astrology, Kundalini and the spirit reveal the time and patience she has invested; her knowledge, practice and guidance are a blessing.”


“Every encounter with RaMa is nothing short of a blessing. I feel like a no strings attached roadmap to my life as been lit. And though it doesn’t tell me where to turn left or right, it gives me an indication of where I’ve been and what I might face in the future. This insight has shifted how I show up in the world and how much I believe in myself and the journey of it all.”


6 Month Grail Quest

6 Monthly Installments of $1311

Your Personal Pilgrimage

  • Take inspired action and bring your high values into form
  • Unveil the unique creativity that lives within your Soul’s Blueprint
  • Behold the Grail Mysteries and bring this potent medicine forward
  • Architect the New Earth and Envision Your Dreams Aground
  • Enact the rhythms and rituals that claim your power as the Living Grail
Restore Your Blueprint

One Year Grail Quest

PIF 12 Month Grail Quest $15,000

Your Personal Pilgrimage

  • Take inspired action and bring your high values into form
  • Unveil the unique creativity that lives within your Soul’s Blueprint
  • Behold the Grail Mysteries and bring this potent medicine forward
  • Architect the New Earth and Envision Your Dreams Aground
  • Enact the rhythms and rituals that claim your power as the Living Grail
Restore Your Blueprint

One Year Grail Quest

12 Monthly Installments of $1275

Your Personal Pilgrimage

  • Take inspired action and bring your high values into form
  • Unveil the unique creativity that lives within your Soul’s Blueprint
  • Behold the Grail Mysteries and bring this potent medicine forward
  • Architect the New Earth and Envision Your Dreams Aground
  • Enact the rhythms and rituals that claim your power as the Living Grail
Restore Your Blueprint